Thursday, January 20, 2011

Santa's Hair Cut

My first project for this semester was to create a story by taking five different shots. I decided to create a light-hearted story using a present I got this past Christmas and a not-so-light story...

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Here is a small collection of photography projects I did last semester...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I thought I would never start a blog, especially during the hectic school season. Yet, here it is...a photoblog for all to enjoy, even myself. I have in no way passed the beginers stage of learning how to use a blog, so bear with me as I learn. Here are a few pictures from Christmas with more to come...eventually. Between juggling classes and assignments, being an RA in one of the dorms here on campus, and finding out what is next after graduation I will post photos from my very large archive on my computer. Some photos are good and some show the work in progress of what it is taking me to tweak and hone my every-developing photography skills. As the random montage follows please enjoy and let me know what you think.