Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Shelby - Fashion Fun for High School Girls, Buena Vista

I work in a small Christian school in the mountains of Buena Vista, Colorado. BV, as many of the locals call it, is one of those towns a person grows up in and always seems to find themselves pulled back to from all corners of the world again and again like a bungee cord. I am one of those said persons. My graduating class was a whopping 4 students, everyone knows everything about everyone else, the teachers I once had are now my coworkers, and beyond the typical with which I grew up not much has changed. Amidst the same-old routine and ways of doing things in this town there is one change: people grow up. People grow not only through puberty into their bodies, but they grow into their character, their friendships, their maturity, their faith, their likes, their dislikes. The students that were in kindergarten and 1st grade when I was a senior are now in junior and senior high. Witnessing change in small town life is amazing because it can take a while for any change to occur, but seeing dramatic growth and change in a life is a beautiful mystery to behold. People are worth time, worth energy, and worth love. Here are a few photos of a girl in our school who has transformed from a little girl into a beautiful lady. She loves pink and dressing up in prom dresses. However, like many girls who grow up in a small mountain town, she is filled with strength, adventure, and a passion for hunting wild animals with her dad. She is growing into a beautiful hunter of life; may she continue to catch her prey as she continues to morph and grow.

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